
The Taiwan Question

Produced by the American patriots of 
The Cosmic Wheel Association


In the modern Media, the Jews continually lie to Americans about the Republic of China on Taiwan, just as they lied about World War II and the true nature of Communism and just as they lied about President Trump and everything else that is good and wholesome.

After World War II, the Jews and the Democratic Party of the USA betrayed both the Chinese and the people of Taiwan. By working through the U.S. Congress, the treasonous Jews and Leftists in the Democratic Party withheld supplies to Chang Kie- Shek while the Jews in Russia supplied Mao Tse-Tung with arms and ammunition. Using the same deceits that they are using today, the American Jews who owned the Media spread fake news, lies and Communist propaganda to the American People, who believed that the Media was honest and not biased.

So, betrayed by the American Jews, the Nationalist Chinese were forced to make a strategic reteat to the island of Taiwan. At the same time, the lying and treasonous Jews of the American Media and within the Democratic Party were deceiving Americans and claiming that Mao Tse tung was a good guy, an "agrarian reformer" and not a Communist. The lying Jews did this. And they are continuing their lies today. With the Joe Biden swindled-Presidency, this same asshole who was one of the Senators who gave away the Panama Canal, is now giving away Taiwan to the Red Chinese.

This video was produced for the People of Taiwan and for all anti-Communists worldwide.
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Communism is Jewish.
As General George Patton said at the end of World War II:
"We fought on the wrong side."
The Jews of the USA, in their fake news Media, lied to the American People
and they are continuing to lie to the people of the world to this very day.
As Jesus taught, the Jews are "liars, deceivers, hypocrites and murderers."
But the Christians don't believe Jesus, they believe the lying Jews.
Every Jew is a criminal but the Christians are also Criminals
for betraying the Christ and defending the Devil.
